학회임원 모임 8월24일 6시 인사동 > 공지사항

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학회임원 모임 8월24일 6시 인사동

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일11-08-22 15:06 조회21,151회 댓글0건


Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a good summer. Our current term is drawing to a close and we have the duty left of organizing our November conference that will take place  under the umbrella of the  ELLAK conference at 온양 November 17-19.
We would like to have dinner together on Wednesday, August 24 at 6 pm at a restaurant called 조금. If you can make it, please take exit 6 at 안국역 and it is to the left of the Crown Bakery store at the entrance of 인사동.
It would be nice to see everyone and discuss our upcoming journal issue as well as the conference. We could also begin thinking about who will be leading the 학회 next.

Please let me know by return mail whether you can come! The map below shows the restaurant in the middle in blue: 조금 02- 725 8400

최주리 드림


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

주소 : (51140) 경남 창원시 의창구 창원대학로 20 국립창원대학교 인문대학 221호
연락처 : 055-213-3122 / 홈페이지 관리자: 이우창 (leewc0@knou.ac.kr)
학회소개 학회가입 커뮤니티 Copyright © 한국18세기영문학회(ECEL). All rights reserved.
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